Today's group is full of the most useless people on earth. If you see them enter an airplane, bus, movie theater, or a restaurant you quickly try and distance yourself from them. Today has been reserved for parents who don't control their kids. Honestly I am not sure if they don't try or just cant control them, but one way or another they are not doing it, and it pisses me off.
I'm not usually an advocate for violence, but if your devil offspring is kicking the back of my chair for the duration of my 5 hour flight from NY to LA, I don't care if you have to break his legs or hogtie him. You just need to find a to get him to stop before I do. Yes, that is a dirty glare that I'm giving you each time I turn around, I'd imagine by now you'd be used to them. Its not like he is an infant or frat boy that doesn't understand "no", "don't", or "stop", the kid is like 6 years old. If he fricken wants to make it to seven, stop him.
Then there are the parents that will leave their screaming kid in a movie or any sort of show, just so they (the parents) can watch it. No, I'm sorry, you gave up the right to enjoy your life when you decided to birth that little monster. I understand you paid $12 and want to finish it, so did I, and luckily I don't have kids, so get him the F out of here. Please :). You should have thought about how much you liked movies when you decided to not teach your kid how to behave. I have no problem calling you out, and making sure you know that everyone in the theater hates you. I've gotten quite good at it actually.
What about the douches who just let their kids wander around busy restaurants and other places of business. While they sit and talk to friends like it has now become the employees job to babysit. As some of you know I worked at a very very busy restaurant in Times Square for the past 4 years of my life (I'm not gonna tell you which one, but I will say we feature shrimp)... I can not tell you how many times these idiots would come running up to me with panic in their eyes, did you see (insert idiot kid name here)???... To which I'd usually just answer "no", but be thinking "hopefully they got snatched"... OK, I'm not that evil, but seriously if you are going to take your eyes off your spawn long enough for "it" to disappear here in Times Square maybe we should call child services, just to take that weight off your back. Or at least buy you one of those very attractive leashes for the thing.
I understand parenting can be hard (luckily not firsthand), but some of you aren't even trying. No means no, that's easy enough. No does not mean, if you get louder and louder then I will give in, because guess what, that's what they will do every time if they are successful. Kids are not that smart, they do what you teach them, haven't you heard of Pavlov's dog. When no, continues to not work, find a belt, a wooden spoon, or a hand, come on now. For those of you who are as sick of this as I am, here is the number for Child's Protective Services...(888) 21c-hild... Use it wisely.
PS. for the record I didn't even realize that was B. Spears when I first chose the picture. Shoulda known.
Kids shit me, but I guess they're berable if they're well behaved.
I know what you mean, I was working alone once, and a woman went into the supermarket next door and left her kid at one of our customer tables, completley alone. I had to run out of the store and stop him from toddling into the extremely busy and hectic car park before he got backed over on.
Its a wonder these kids actually make it to age ten
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I wish we could just sterilize some of these dumbasses!!! We won't let gay people adopt, why can't we stop irresponsible morons from breeding just because they have the right equipment? Just sayin'.....
There is a local service industry zine in my neighborhood, and it includes a column by a girl who works the door at a strip club. One article was about the time a lady tried to leave her baby with her while she went in to audition. "I'ma just be a few minutes!!!" UGH! If it wasn't true it'd be funny!
I can't agree with you more about your rant. I am most annoyed by the parents that allow their children to use the restaurant as a play area. UUGGGGH! Crawling under the table, dancing around the table, climbing and standing on the seats, running to other peoples tables and disturbing their dinner. Again - UUUGGGGH!
I can never understand how parents can be like that, why have kids if you can't bring them up properly?! You don't like it yourself so why subject other people to it.
:o) I don't know why parents have to drag their bored, tired kids around public places anyway. Most of the time they just don't want to be there!!! They're little people and would much rather be watching TV or playing than going grocery shopping with you or sitting in a swanky restaurant. As for flights, when will they bring out child and not child flights????
As the parent of a 6 year old who has learned to be quiet in a theater, sit still in a restaurant, read a book on a plane (sitting cross legged) and hold hands in a store......I totally agree with you!!! Parents who don't control their kids drive me crazy!!!!
i didn't know it was her till you wrote that. haha and i contend. cept for the leashes i hate that shit.
i am in the doctor's office last week and this woman let her child remove every magazine from a rack not 2 feet from her before finally removing him from the area. for like a minute before he was on to the next thing. and she sat there doing nothing the whole time.
Absolutely. While its completely reasonable for parents to want to continue to want to have a life or give their children culture by taking them out to movies/theatre, that shit has to be age appropriate. AND if you're a bad parent who's kid is ridiculously unbehaved, you should have to stay home (so you can have more time to teach your kids). It's sort of like a parent's time out- no teaching, no public venues.
I have used up most of my self control not whopping these types of parents.. and their kids for that matter. I swear at least once a week while standing in line to check out at the grocery store, one of these kids comes over and hits me. The parents always have a glassy look in their eye and just ignore them. Oh, on my nerves.
LOL! I hate that too!!! Is like hello!!!!!!!!!!! can't u see your kid is disturbing Everyone's peace!!! AGHHH
ME TOO!!! I feel bad because as a woman I'm supposed to have this maternal instinct. But kids whose parents let them run wild makes me not want children at all because they'll be socialized with these brats.
Parents should reprimand their child with kindness. What the parents do children also will do and duplicate.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.
I mean, you can not castigate a child for smoking when parents are also smoking.
I do not like kids, do not find them cute and merely tolerate their presence, even when they are behaving. When they are misbehaving, I will glare at them menacingly in hopes that their idiots parents will be scared by the crazy lady who looks like she's going to stab their precious darling and shut the kid up.
One of the worst things is a bunch of uncontrolled brats on a crowded subway at rush hour. One of my favorite, favorite NYC moments ever was when this early 30s something guy finally flipped out at this women for her kids wrecking havoc with sandwichs and went on a mini rant. I wanted to ask him to marry me on the spot.
While I was working at the Dance Studio, this dad would drop ALL THREE KIDS off, which only one had class, and LEAVE THEM FOR HOURS. Just drive away and go who knows where. Myself, and the other girls that were working but mainly me, had to run after the youngest two all day. Get them to stop screaming bloody murder in the bathrooms, and mostly KEEP THEM FROM RUNNING INTO TRAFFIC.. one day, the dad stayed but he didn't care about what his two kids where doing - so I pulled the little boy and girl back into the studio after ALMOST BEING RUN OVER BY A CAR AND HIT BY ANOTHER and I went in and yelled at the dad. Told him that he might not care if his kids get hit and killed by cars but they sure as hell was not going to happen here, and that I WAS NOT being paid to watch his children -either leave them at home or F*ING WATCH YOUR KIDS OR THEY WILL GET KILLED BY CARS AND IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH TO WATCH YOUR OWN DAMN KIDS.
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