So I'd say that was a pretty successful Thanksgiving, my first experience making a turkey all by myself, (turned out perfect!) I have to admit I was a bit worried... Pretty successful little feast for the little lady and I, if my camera wasn't a piece of crap I'd love to upload some pictures from my private life for you guys to be jealous of... Anyways on to the blog... Today I have decided to go with those annoying people who always seem to sing the wrong lyrics...
Although they will always be the first to open their trap when the radio comes on, this does not ensure they will be singing the correct lyrics... I find it so annoying when I am trying to listen to one of my favorite songs and the person next to me is doing there best to butcher it with their version of the song... This is almost as annoying as when I have to wave my hands under and electric censored sink for 20 minutes just to get the water to turn on, almost that annoying... How hard can it be to find out the right lyrics to songs these days, I mean every single one is on the Internet or the inside of the C.D. cover, oh ya we don't buy those things anymore, OK so they are on the Internet...
The worst is when these people get a hold of a karaoke microphone... They bring a room full of people into the nightmare that is their life... When I was living in Hawaii we used to go out to this place every Sunday that had karaoke, boy oh boy I swear every American Idol reject found their way into this bar on Sunday nights... How can you sing the wrong lyrics when they are all coming up in perfect timing right before your eyes? I'm not quite sure but these William Hung's have found a way to make karaoke that much more annoying...
Another awful spot to be stuck with them is on a road trip, it is always smart to audition your friend for current pop song knowledge and rock classics before you agree to take a trip with them... Otherwise your ride could be as disastrous as inviting having Oprah over for dinner, and trust me that is bad...
You've been warned.
My worst was when I went to see RENT the musical, we had almost front row seats and I was so excited... except the woman beside me wouldn't stop SINGING ALONG to every song, I wanted to punch her!!
*Prepares for Day 105: People who go to musicals* lol
Are you kidding? I LOVE these people. They entertain me almost as much as people falling down.
Because in my mind I go.. "Okay.. if you think the lyrics are "Don't go round tonight, or it's bound to take your life.. there's a bathroom on the right"" then what do you think the rest of the lyrics are?
It has in the past lead me to write the lyrics for "Shamoo The Mysterious Whale"
Oh, it finally happened I feel into the category of people you are talking about, I would say for the most part I get the lyrics right, but sometimes, just SOMETIMES, I blank out!! lol...
LOL! I"m one of those at times!! It's funny, though!!!
Not my fault I cant keep up with the artist and I wanna sing a long... I GREW UP WATCHING LAMB CHOP DAMNIT!
*insert evil face*
Yes im being facetious lol
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