I shall waste no time in getting to today's discussion... One sided discussion for the most part, but discussion none the less... What is the deal with the Snuggie? Are you people completely serious with this thing? (Two sided bash toward the inventor and the purchasers/wearers).
First off the inventor or creator or whatever you would call this guy... Maybe we should just call him the guy who took scissors to a blanket... I mean come on really, if you can not re-invent the wheel do you really think that it is fair to re-invent the blanket... This guy is now a millionaire a few times over and all he did was add holes and sleeves to a blanket, creating basically an over sized robe with a pocket... I'd like to think of myself as a decent business minded person, but if this guy would have come to me with a prototype of this item I would have laughed at him and kicked him out of my office, and then clearly kicked myself in the head later when I saw the amount of morons who are buying these things...
Which brings me to the people that have invested their hard earned money into one of these Snuggies... I understand it as a gag gift, but there are some people out there that are taking this holy blanket seriously, and even an unfortunate few that believe that these things possess some mystical Harry Potter type power... There have been reports of people jumping off the top of buildings and houses with these things on with the belief it will help them fly. Or maybe they were just deathly embarrassed that someone had walked in on them wearing a Snuggie, so much for not being caught dead wearing one though... To be honest I have been annoyed with these things for a while, hoping that they would just go away, like the MC Hammer pants, rat tails, white washed jeans, and Oprah, but instead of disappearing they have continued to multiply and make a mockery out of once normal citizens... Turning these once sane people into zombies of the Snuggiworld... It does not matter how many Youtube videos are made mocking these things people are still buying them, which can only mean 2 of 2 things, 1. they must be putting fried food in the pockets as an extra incentive to sell to the average fat idiot American (possibly some ranch dressing as well), and 2. people are just idiots to begin with. The worst is yet to come though folks... Believe it or not they have just launched a version for pets... that's right, for the same animals that have managed to make it thousands of years with merely their fur... I cant imagine what dogs had to endure before they had their very own Snuggie, when will the madness end? That is all I want to know... when and where? So that I can be there to cheer it on when it finally dies.
And this is where today's blog dies... as I go tuck myself in under a BLANKET... a blanket without arms, the way they were intended...
Here is a short list of a few things equally as annoying as Snuggies:
1. When you've just tied your shoe and walked out the door, almost late as is, and you realize that there is a rock in your shoe. It starts off small, but somehow the thing manages to grow into a boulder... That's like a Snuggie...
2. When you are half way to work, also running behind schedule, and you realize that you are forgetting an important part of your uniform... This is also Snuggie-esque...
3. When your alarm somehow sounds like a part of your dream... so you just let it keep going and going and going... and somehow manage to wake up an hour late... (what is it with me and being late???)... anyways, this too is on par with Snuggie annoyance...
Avoid them at all costs. For my sake.
I hate these things first they are backwards robes. While your front is warm your back is cold. At least robes have ties. Also I love the part of the commercials where the family is sitting watching a game they look like a cult. Anyway I just had to weigh in on how much I hate snuggies.
Another great post!
i used to want a snuggie- until I discovered THE SLANKET. it's a snuggie that is more expensive and with better material. I even checked the comparisons with consumer reports. that is hardcore.
lol-ing about the fried food in the pockets....that is the only feasible explanation!
Can't believe I'm admitting this, but my fiance asked for one of these for Christmas and I obliged. 14.99 at JC Penney.
Hey, you do one of these every day and it took till day 115 to get to me. I consider that a victory.
I call them "Shame Cloaks." There is a special place in hell for inventors who prey on Wal-Mart shoppers' lack of class and utter-lemming-ness.
Oh no... I have a friend who loves her snuggie and her dog, but now she can get a snuggie for her dog? I feel embarrased for them both already.
There's a Spanish saying that goes: "Los listos viven de los idiotas." (the smart people live off the idiots--something like that). In this case the inventor of the snuggie (which I too, find it very dumb) was smart because he knew there would be enough idiots out there that would buy this shit--heck, he wouldn't buy it himself, I tell you that. It's kind of like Bill Gates when he rewrote the operating system of Apple and called it Windows. Smart man. =)
I can't wait till weed becomes legalized in this country. Then I can set up a shop and live off all the nasty potheads!! Yeah!
haha the snuggie!
Am glad you made a post on the snuggie! I hate it!! yo uare exactly right it's a damn blanket, they serve the same damn purpose...Except my friend once told me well with a snuggie you can keep warm while you cook you can't do that with a blanket....Um....Scary right??
Man, I know more than one person who LOVES these things. Seriously.
Love the dog picture!
All I can ever think of when these are mentioned is that one commercial where everyone watching the little league game is happy and smiling and wearing snuggies besides the old grouchy man in the, heaven forbid, coat.
And I bought one for my mom. I believe it is balled up in a hamper. :D
I love that anti snuggie ad--it's so hilarious. Have you seen it?
Though part of me always wants one when I see it. I know, I know. I'm bad.
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