Before anything else I need to make a quick announcement... Yesterday I did my little blog award thing, and gave it out to ten blogs... Apparently I had ended up telling 11 people they won and obviously only posting ten... Hey I am a blogger not a mathematician, plus it was like 4 in the morning when I finally finished... Anyways, the person I left off gets his own solo shout out here in my intro due to my mess up... So, go check out Knucklehead... he has another observational humor blog that's got some pretty great stuff on it... Go check it out. Feel free to tell him I sent you.
OK, now that my first order of business is out of the way I believe it is time to jump into the blog. If the cold weather were a group of people, believe me today would be their day... I am so cold I can barely feel my feet, but enough about me. Today I decided to go with the select group of people who use their Facebook status updates as a personal pity party...
You guys know the ones I am talking about... the Debbie Downers of the Internet... The people who think that updating how shitty your life is every five minutes is going to make people care... Personally when I see one of these people posting what should only be reserved for a diary, a journal, or a suicide note, all I want to do is click the like button... I'm sorry, but your constant misery actually has brightened my day... OK, no I'm not that big of a dick but seriously. I am not talking about the people who once in a blue moon will say something like, "had a bad day at work" or something along those lines. This is more directed at those people referred to as extr-emo. The ones who verbally slit their wrists via updates only to bleed black hair die all over my otherwise happy home page... We get that your life sucks, but reminding us every 15 minutes is certainly not going to make it any better... Besides, this is what Twitter was invented for, keep it 140 letters or under though... The thing is there is no way that all this venting via broadband is going to make you feel any better, most of the people that I notice doing this in abundance never have any responses to these posts... So if anything posting for people who were not paying attention to my whining, would only cause me to spiral further into depression... What I am really waiting for them to do is to send me an event invitation to their pity party... Then I can show up and play the worlds smallest violin and give them some cheese with their whine and all that good stuff...
I know I complain a lot, but my intentions are usually all for fun and laughs, based around things we deal with on a daily basis. These guys just seem to want to make everyone else as miserable as they are. This does not work for me. I think if you are going to complain non stop, at least try and make it funny... For instance, "my life sucks, my girlfriend left me, I found out my mom was really my sister, and I just got in a car wreck breaking both of my legs on my way home from being fired from the job I have been at for 8 years. BUT, now I'll have plenty extra time to be World of Warcraft!"... See, this way you will get the pity comments along with some LOL's, and trust me, enough lol's on your status updates and you wont be so depressed anymore... And that's all I have to say about that.
Thanks everyone for stopping by. Especially yesterday, obviously my blog is the most important you will check on a daily basis, there is no denying that. But when you have some spare time in between watching Glee online and downloading Internet porn you should check the rest of those blogs out!
Thanks, Nomad. I have contacted my associate Vinnie and advised him to "stand down".
i loved scoman's failbook fails today where people did hit the like button. although some people were not 'whining' per se but why would you pick facebook to announce to the world that you MIGHT have aids.
I complain about things, but I try to make things at least entertaining...But damnit i'm pretty sure I fail at that too. FUCK. I have to go update my status now...
I guess I need to go check out this scoman's facebook fails.
Venn Diagrams make everything better. Oh yes, a little VD makes me very happy.
And it's true that these emo posts never get any sympathy. I flick through, find them all and laugh at how nobody cares that somebodys mum hates them or some shit.
I agree, you know what I hate even more within this tweets the use of FML!! I hate that, FML for this and FML for that lol I think it is too overused like OMG its raining FML, Oh no the sun is out FML!! Get my drift ahah!
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