As skill/luck should have it I pulled through into the next round of competition, thank you very much to those of you who voted for me, I'll admit I began to worry towards the end. The next round of competition should be even tighter because there will only be 4 of us left. Congrats to the 3 of you I will be up against. For those of you that have not been following along with the contest I hope that you will make it out between next Sunday and Wednesday to read my "observational humor" post. I realize that category should be quite the stretch for me, but we shall see what I can come up with.
Here with us today is another post. After countless hours of debating, (actually not) I have decided to write about people who cant cook, but often think they can...
There is no doubt in my mind that most of you have fallen victim to one of these chef-boy-r-puke's in your life time, and frankly may even be one yourself... Apparently they are so wide spread these days that they have actually landed their own TV show on the Food Network... "The Worst Chef in America" has quickly become a popular show and one of my new TV addictions (along with 30 Rock, Meerkat Manor, and Teen Mom), it is always such an amazing feeling to watch people suck at something isn't it? Because then even if you are not so good; in comparison you will look like Gordon Ramsay.

How many of you have fallen victim to awful cooking at the worst possible moment? How about going to a significant others parents house for the first time?... You sit down for dinner to a meal that looks like it was straight out of Christmas Vacation... If the sight and smell of what is to come was not enough to warn you, then his/her mom (the head chef) comes into the room apologizing that it was her first time making this meal... This is never a good sign, good cooks don't apologize before you have even had a chance to eat. This is them waving the white flag right off the bat. "Warning, I suck, this meal sucks, enter at your own risk". Whats even worse is when they sit there and watch you choke down the joke of a meal, luckily I am a well trained actor and I have learned to make a happy face even when tasting the most foul things ever, but you have to agree this is one of the most awkward moments that we have to endure in our adult lives. Second only to opening presents in front of people, I love presents but I hate when people insist on having me open them right in front of them (hope you enjoyed that tangent)... Make sure you have plenty of water to wash it down with, no doubt something is going to be overcooked and hard to chew in this situation... For times like this I have invented the perfect "gag gift" (get it)... I have developed a patent pending trash bag that you will be able to fasten to the inside of your pant leg, allowing you to place the inedible items in, to empty at your own convenience. I am still working on making them smell proof and heat proof, for now you will just have to either wait til the food has cooled, or chance burning your leg, it may be worth it... This is all much easier if the family has a dog though, as I'm sure you are aware.
It has long been said that if you cant stand the heat you should just stay out of the kitchen... This may be true, although I have not been in too many kitchens that the heat was that unbearable. I would like to modify that saying just a tad, henceforth let the saying be, "if you cant cook worth shit, stay out of the kitchen"... I think that has a much better ring to it, don't you???
I can't cook for sh*t and my friends now it. I know a few dishes that I can do confidently, but other than that...not much of a cook. I hate it. Hubby loves my cooking. :-/
Perfect re-write to an old saying. I dare you to tell it to someone. Let me know how that goes. *wink*
About 60% of my ex girlfriends suffered from this affliction. I probably only told about 20%. Needless to say I'm nearly immune to vomiting now.
Congrats on advancing.
I'm worried I might be one of these people, which is why I don't cook for people. I worry they'll tell me I suck, but in my own mind I'm awesome. I mean, I enjoy what I'm cooking, usually more than I enjoy what I could pay for at a restaurant.
But I'm worried it's just me.
Luckily, I've never had this experience. I've had people cook things I don't like, but never people cook things poorly.
I love cookingbut mostly just for myself and close friends that I know will be honest with me, so far, they all like it.......I hope they are not lying lol..
ok,i can't relate. i love to cook and bake, and I'm damn good. :) sorry to rub it in.
BUT I LOVE TEEN MOM... so good
I really can cook if I'm in a patient mood and feel like it....but instead of doing that I just act like I can't cook so that no one expects any cooking from me. I have successfully been in charge of bringing ice to all family functions for the last seven years while everyone else makes at least three dishes. I know....I suck.
I love cooking, and am apparently good at it, but I don't like making things for other people. I mean I like to experiment and I don't want to scare away my family so there's only a handful of things I'd actually cook for them.(I've made some really gross things) XD
i'd love to cook for you all some day... at my restaurant of course... nothing for free in this economy.....
I love cookingbut mostly just for myself and close friends that I know will be honest with me, so far, they all like it.......I hope they are not lying lol..
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