I did have a different topic planned out for today, but decided to switch it up when I caught wind of the whole Leno/Conan debacle. Of all the low down dirty things I have witnessed in my life this situation is right up there... SO high up on that list in fact it actually feels personal to me... This is the reason I have decided to write a complaint post about the execs at NBC...
Now, if you don't like Conan, you may as well exit this post right now because he is just short of being my idol. If you couldn't tell from my blatant immaturity and intermittent toilet humor Conan is right up my ally... Not only that but the man is a genius, I have seen him live, and his quickness and wit is something I admire and respect... If you do not know the latest, basically Conan was being asked to move "The Tonight Show" to the 12:05 slot so that Leno could have his new shit show at 11:35 because his show failed miserably at the 10pm position. Keep in mind that Leno retired 7 months ago and went Jordan on us only to come back 4 months ago... Conan is not down with changing the "Tonight Show" to 12:05 the next morning, he thinks moving it from the spot it has been at for 60 years would do too much damage to the show, and would also hurt Jimmy Falon at "Late Night"...

Do these executives even watch these shows? I doubt it, my guess is that they do nothing but sit uptown at their lush Manhattan apartments snorting coke and counting their money. They wouldn't know funny if it hit them in the face... Have they not taken into account the amount of people that now watch their TV online... I cannot tell you the last time that I have watched something live, but you better believe I tune in religiously to catch up on Hulu... As you can tell I am just bitter, I feel like they put my buddy Conan in a really shit position so now I am getting defensive. Besides the fact that no one likes Indian givers....
I hope that if Jay does take the spot back over that people exile him like he was the Dixie Chicks, sure he can be funny sometimes, but not funny enough for me to support him coming back to the Tonight Show. I hope that people stop watching the show and his ratings fall below what Conan's have been... I also hope that Conan decides to go to another network and gets in the same time slot, and then I hope his ratings kick the shit out of Leno... This clearly means war... I just hope that enough viewers decide to support Conan... Without him we will no longer have "The Interrupter", or "In the year 2000", or countless other skits special to Conan... Grr... I'm just mad right now, I need to go watch something funny to cheer me up... Hey I know, how about some Conan...

I watch neither, but I've been following this, and it seems it's all unfair to Conan...I tried watching Leno (he comes on at 9pm here), and I just didn't like it.
Just do like I do...watch Letterman! He was so funny last night. I think he was down right giddy. He deserves to be after what NBC and Leno did to him 16 years ago! I am sure Conan will end up with his own show on Fox.
Conan is really the only talk show host that I consistantly watch. I would reallly like to see him end up on FOX, though they do cancel good shows. Either way, I'm totally team Conan and not happy about any of this!
I see Conan heading to Fox and Leno retiring in 2 years. Way to go NBC! Where oh where would you be without The Office?
Conan will go to Fox where he will live happily ever after and Leno will be a washed up has been.
Maybe I haven't given Conan a fair enough shake, but the first time I actually watched him on TV several years ago, he was holding a giant Q-tip and digging wax out of an enormous ear. It was painfully unfunny. He can't carry Letterman's microphone, in my opinion. I'm not a huge Leno fan, either, but I think he's several rungs above Conan.
But like I said, maybe I've just missed Conan's funny stuff.
wow, I am rally out of the loop, I had no idea this was going on, this does seem unfair to Conan grealy, of course I dont like him and I love Jay Leno but the bottom line is that it is unfair.
i didn't really like Conan when i first started watching him, but he grows on you. And I love the interaction between him and Andy. Leno is full of himself and Conan is just quirky and real.
conan > leno + letterman + kimmel
Sue me for being an avid country fan but this line-
' I hope that if Jay does take the spot back over that people exile him like he was the Dixie Chicks'
made me LOL for real. Yeah.
Leno is not funny. Conan.. most certainly is.
poor conan.... I just want to hug him...
I haven't watched Conan since I was in Uni (it's on in the middle of the day here) but he's the only one I can stand. Leno and Letterman are not funny. At all.
most of you--- thanks for the support for conan...
those who like letterman--- at least he is better than carson daily, but so would my shoe.
knucklehead--- read you loud and clear, more posts about giant q-tips.
angel- get in the loop.
allyson- dead on, youre hot.
kellie- law suit filed.
shanna- ill let him know
sco- at least you can deal wiith the c man since you dont like colbert.
fox- pick up conan, have something else to watch other than glee.
I've been watching both for a very long time. I think that both Jay and Conan are very, very funny.
With that said, I don't really think its Jay Leno that should be made fun of or whatever, its clearly the fuck-tards at NBC. They fucked up the entire late night operation the same way they fuck up the rest of the shows.
I don't think Jay's at fault, although the right thing for him to do is to step down. The ball is clearly on his court and if he refuses to let go of 11:30, well then he is as wrong as the NBC executives.
i didn't really like Conan when i first started watching him, but he grows on you. And I love the interaction between him and Andy. Leno is full of himself and Conan is just quirky and real.
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