I want to start off by giving a special thanks to all those that have been supporting my blog, like I have said before it is you guys that keep me coming back day after day. Otherwise I'd probably still be scribbling all of my thoughts and complaints in my Ninja Turtles Journal... (Its not a diary its a journal!)... I also want to thank and welcome all of the new people who have stopped by due to the current blogger contest I am in. With your help it looks like I should make it into round two, so thanks so much for that... I am definitely going to be calling on you guys again when round two starts so be prepared, and don't be shy please continue to come back day in and day out to see what I have going on. Like I said it is my numerous daily followers that keep me from going crazy in this blogging world... Some of my faithful followers who seem to keep coming back no matter how harsh my complaints are.... are:
Yessika... I know I did something wrong if she doesn't comment.
LMJ... She is sad that she didn't know me earlier, she would have named her new baby after me.
Mr. Knucklehead (definitely check out his blog, because that's where you can vote for me next week!!!)
Scoman... dedicated follower (even sends me strands of his hair), quite a funny blog on his hands as well...
Secretia... This blog will make you blush.
KiKi... That Gal.
Chicken Maker... One of the most differentest blogs you will find.
Carissa... She's so jaded...
Angry Red Head... Title says it all...
So those were a few of my followers who show the most love by coming by on a weekly if not daily basis... Anyone else who drops by silently should definitely check these guys out and drop them a line. I'm all about cross-blog-promoting...
And as I promised here are all of the new people who came over from 20sb to check me out and vote for me this week in the contest. (Or at least I think they voted)...
Billions of Versions of Normal --- I just like that title...
Red Red Whine --- Like it.
The Zen of Motherhood --- I'll pass.
Bitchfest --- My blog's second name.
Thanks again to all of my regulars and all of the new people who stopped by to check my shit out... :)... This was just week one of the Blogger Idol I am a part of so I hope you guys come back over the next couple of weeks as the competition stiffens. Rest assured I will do my best to remind you, but hopefully you will continue to stop by in the mean time... Here again is a link to the Blog that you can vote on in case you are stopping by for the first time today... The post that was entered was the current event satire about Tiger Woods from yesterdays post, feel free to check it out and have a laugh.
thanks for the shout-out, dude! totally voted my arse off for ya.
I don't know...Ryan would have been pretty weird for a girl!
I hope you make it to round two. And then win the whole thing.. But short term round two. Thanks for the shout out.
This is way more fun that I'd imagined . . . over 300 people voting so far.
I'm really looking forward to round two and the childhood anecdotes. Might give us a lot of insight into our contestants.
I made the blog! *blush*
Here is to round two!
I know you'll do well in the comp, bro! Keep doing what you normally do which is write funny stuff that makes us all laugh as we look at life and things around us!
I'm headed to the mall next week to see if T Woods' "No Balls, No Glory" album has dropped as yet. Lol
you can never do no wrong!! lol I love your blog and we are so getting you to round two!!! I am promoting you on my blog today and I am getting you to win this! :) of course your good writing skills and humor might be helpful as well! ahah! So yeah have I ever told you how cool you? You are cool! Ok, now I will stop blowing smoke up your ass and go on about my life!! lol, see ya tommorow! :)
Your are really a good blogger. Thanks to share your experience......
6PM Pacific Time was just not late enough. I'll have to help get you past Round 2.
i hope to see you all voting again next week, i am going to be a self promoting whore, believe that!
I hope you make it to round two. And then win the whole thing.. But short term round two. Thanks for the shout out.
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