Howdy y'all... I'm watching "Walk the Line" as I write this so if you catch a whiff of the southern accent in my words please forgive me... I have been sort of at a stale mate trying to decide who to write about today, my mind is stuck trying to decide what to write for the 3rd round of my blogging contest which is due tomorrow. I have always been a procrastinator. Hey, maybe thats who I will write about today...
OK. As you can tell this is one category that I fit like a glove, and have pretty much my entire life... I must get some sort of thrill from doing things at the last possible minute, every time a project was due in school I would start it pretty much the night before and be up until morning to finish it... The thing is I always ended up doing well grade wise, so I think it just kind of trained me that the one night of pain was well worth all the other nights of video games. If I had ever planned something out way in advance I would consider that a huge feat, and then reward myself by not doing any other homework for days after that... I even continued to be a procrastinator well into my college years, which stunningly worked just fine then as well. Sure all the cramming didnt really help me retain most of the stuff that I learned, but lets be honest, thats not what the school system in America is geared toward. They just want to make sure that they have your money, and that you can pass a standardized test, beyond that they dont really care how stupid you are. As long as you are padding their wallets you could drool all over the rest of the work and you would be just fine.
What I still cant decide is if being a great procrastinator is a bless or a curse... I mean, there are plenty of times in life that it will benefit you to be able to do something last minute in a crunch, and like I said I have clearly perfected that skill... There have been plenty of things that were invented specifically for my type, coffee, thats right, coffee was made just for procrastinators to keep us up at all hours of the night, why else would anyone drink the stuff... Energy drinks, and you thought Red Bull was made for vodka... Nodose, goes without saying. Crack/Cocaine, not the weapon of choice, but I imagine if you could focus it would do the trick. Cliffnotes, hello a 40 page book that tells you all you need to know about a 700 page book, sign me up. The internet, unlimited research at your fingertips... and you thought it was made just for porn and blogging. The list of things made for us procrastinating bunch really could go on and on, but I'll have to tell you about the rest of them later...
So, what do you guys think? Did you look at the people you knew in school who did this like they were idiots? or were you one of the clan? I know when I told some people the day before a project was due that they would totally judge me, but when I ended up getting a better score than them they totally had to shut their mouths. I know that this post isnt as brutal as some of mine can be, but since I am one I obviously had to be a bit gentler, and after I was so emo yesterday I needed a little break. With that being said, I should start writing my parody post that is due in 23 hours... You guys will have to come and vote for me like you have been, just to prove that my procrastinating really pays off. Kisses and hugs.
this reminds me of someone......oh yeah my best friend..
I procrastinate daily.
Oh wait, that's masturbate.
Sorry... Nevermind.
That's me!!! :-/
I'm the worst procrastinator ever!!
this post reminds me of myself a lot as I'm a procrastinator extraordinaire
right now i have three projects at least 2 months overdue and an exam in a couple days i haven't even started revising for...but like you for some reason my grades really haven't been affected by this
Your post and Candice's comment reminded me of a saying I saw on a dorm room dry-erase board once:
Procrastination is like masturbation: It feels good right now, but all you're doing is fucking yourself.
"Procrastinators Unite.. Tomorrow"
That's gold! Gold I tell you!
As for whether I was a procrastinator or not.. I guess it can go either way. Sometimes I could be found studying in the library just dusting off my books to start cramming for the test a few hours before we went into the room, other times I would have done all my study and be getting a good sleep in before getting up at noon and heading off to class.
In my work life, I definitely want all the jobs done well before the client comes looking for them.
I guess I procrastinate if I'm the only one who stands to suffer, but if clients or my employer might be upset by my actions, I get it done nice and early.
Clearly you need more practice. You need to be able to read that 700 pages the night before you need it read. Getting Cliffnotes is too big of a hassle
I was a big procrastinator up until college. Well, graduate school, to be honest about it. Once I hit the workforce, though, it's all about planning ahead and being organized.
But yeah, I did pull a lot of all-nighters going through high school and my bachelors' program.
I generally wait for the last minute to do things I don't feel like doing. I tell myself its because I like the pressure but I think its more I'm just lazy.
bad spellers of the world, untie!
i love that i can turn my procrastination into a post!
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