Right now I am wishing that I hadn't narrowed my blog to just writing about people, because I could definitely have a few words for the 10 inches of snow on my porch. A year ago today I had just arrived for my six month hiatus in Hawaii and this year I will be spending the remainder of my winter/spring in the snow raped Midwest, oh the things we do for love. Anyways, I guess its about time for another blog, I hope no one minds... I decided to do a blog on a celebrity today, its my blog so I pretty much reserve all creative rights. Usually I write about celebs that I hate or at least that slightly annoy me, but this time I have decided to make it a praise blog. Only because I love this person so much that I literally could not go another day without blogging about him. Stephen Colbert...
First of all, if you guys have never watched his show on Comedy Central you need to get with the program and join "The Nation". This dude is a riot, I have honestly never seen anyone as quick and witty as him...

The only downside to the show is that it is only 25 minutes long, they freakin give Oprah an hour, I think something with substance such at "The Colbert Report" should get much more air time, but I never get what I want...
My real hope with the topic of today's blog is that somehow it will get back to Colbert and he will choose to sponsor my blog like he did the U.S. men's ice skating team. A gesture that landed him on the cover of Sports Illustrated in December. OK I know this post will never make it back to him, I just felt it would be a nice tie in. I'll promise to end this post if you promise to check out his show.... Deal?
as promised.
I also recommend his book, "I Am America and So Can You"...
Yea I'm a huge Colbert fan too. He's got his character down to a science. I honestly have no idea how he keeps a straight face even 90% of the time.
Hiya! I'm a big Colbert fan, too. It was tough when I lived in Italy, because Hulu won't let you watch stuff out of the country.
Thanks for sharing that clip. He is hilarious.
Btw, I found your blog via NaBloPoMo. I'll be back to see how your month goes!
best colbert clip ever
Yes, it's nice to see something funny and original on television. Jon Stewart's great too.
And yeah, "back when SNL was funny" couldn't be more true. Now it's unwatchable.
Brilliant as always Nomad(on that note I totally thought your screen-name was Nolan) I don't know anyone who doesn't like to watch Colbert when he's on.
I was like "Hooray! We're dissing Colbert! But doesn't he like Colbert? I'm pretty sure that was in his sidebar" and then I read your blog and sure enough you do like Colbert.
I don't.
Let's leave it at that.
never really watched it so dont have much to say in this regard :)!
Love Colbert!!
Enough said.
I love the Colbert Report! I wish I had an ounce of his wit!
<3 me some colbert.
Brilliant as always Nomad(on that note I totally thought your screen-name was Nolan) I don't know anyone who doesn't like to watch Colbert when he's on.
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