If I stay where I am in the running it looks like I should at least make it into round four... I have been bouncing back and forth between 2nd and 3rd place and it is all because of you guys. That is of course if you voted for me, if you didnt then it is no thanks to you, but at least if you are reading this you came back again. Anyways, today I have selected a simpleminded group of people to write about. Yes, a good majority of the people I write about are simpleminded but these ones are definitely in the top 34... How many of you are annoyed by the word shorteners of the world? By a show of comments what are your least favorites???
You know the people I am talking about right? The morons who try and create abbreviated words out of words that dont even need to be abbreviated. They are basically creating an unnecessary periodic table of words and it is driving me nuts. The most annoying to me, and the one that seems to have stumbled into everyones vocabulary at some point was to say presh instead of precious (this may or may not have been where the disease began). I'll admit that maybe the first time I heard this I found it cute-ish, certainly not clever, and only cute because it was probably some cute girl saying it... But once people started taking aim and shortening every word they came into contact with it has since started to drive me nuts. We have already taken our once Shakespearean language through a strainer, is there really a need to shorten those words even further. I am certainly no 18th century scholar or poet but I would like to have words longer than a cough to leave to my children...
I have already had one post attacking the people who constantly write in AIM language, but now we are producing teens who even speak it. I have said it before, but I truly believe that we may end up back at the same grunts we started off with... In school they are soon going to be offering elective classes to drill these shortened words into the minds of our youth. Shortly after that the classes are not going to be electives any longer, they are going to be mandatory (I assume thats what they call it when it is not elective any longer). The words that have already been made into contractions are screwed... Dont is going to be D't... (of course this will help the bad spellers...) Cant will be C't... and so on... We are literally on the way to creating the language that was foreshadowed in 1984, the book, not the year.
Why do certain girls think that it is cute to talk like this??? I really have ran into groups of girls who have made it common to throw one of these words into the structure of any sentence... My guess is that they think "cute-ifying" words (aka destroying them) makes them look cute. To this I say, if you are cute, no matter what you do to a word you will be cute, and on the flip side, if you are not cute, (stay indoors) no matter what you do to a word you will not be cute... Its sort of like those girls who think that dressing slutty will all of a sudden make them appear more appealing to the opposite sex. This is false, sure we will look, maybe even stare, drool, and whistle... But no matter how short your skirt is we will still eventually have to discover the face... So why dont you just do us a favor and stop with the cute talk...
I realize to some of you this may be a silly thing to be annoyed by, but if you have been following my blog for long you already know that I will find most anything and or anyone to bitch about... This is just a small blip on the screen leading me to 365... So if this does not bother you I'm sure one of the other ones will fosh.... (oh, fosh=for sure, see how annoying that shit is)...
By the way, the voting is still up for this week (Round 3) of the contest, if you have not already I think that you should check out yesterdays post about Twilight... It was one of the most painstaking things that I have ever penned/typed so I want it to get some exposure. LOL.... Painstaking in the sense that Twilight is painful to think about for any length of time... If you like the post, or even if you dont you should click this link and vote for me (in the right hand margin), or if you like one of the other stories better you should follow their blog, and vote for me still...
Here is a shortened list of shortened words that you may or may not have come into contact with...
Fab= fabulous (I think we know who uses this the most, Ryan Seacrest of course)
Aggro= aggressive or violent
Mo= moment (really? is this necessary)
Prof= Ive heard as a substitute for professor and professional
Sod= Soda
Burg= burger
Za= Pizza
Bra= Brother.... (but when Hawaiians say it its acceptable)
I could continue on with more, but I dont want you guys to accidentally learn them and start using them; at least not until Big Brother makes us.
Feel free to comment with some that you know though, Sco I'm sure you know some, when I was down there they found a way to shorten every word...
ps. the picture is totally unrelated, but I thought it would stop some passerby's...
bra is by far the worst, we had this joke in the dorms that if you said "bra" you were from nor cal (i know i shortened them) and if you said "bro" you were from so cal
hope you win the blog idol, yours was by far the best and most original, most of the other entries were just boring
Yes the picture certainly made me read the blog, but I lurk you already anyway, so what the hell right?
Yes, I cannot stand it when peeps shorten words (lol) I can't even stand lol really!
why do they have to write/talk like retards? No wait...even a retard would say the full word.
This def boths me too, fosho.. No for reals though, I find myself writing out shortened words sometimes (never speak them though) and I want to kick myself. I think my biggest pet peeve when it comes to words or things related to words, would have to be the smiley face. :)
Oh, right on, this was great. I'm actually at the other end of the spectrum. I can't bring myself to shorten words even when I'm texting. Can't do it.
Hawaiian slang is always acceptable.
wHat reALly AnNoYs mE iS WHen PeOple TyPE LikE ThIS!!
I kept waiting for the picture to be mentioned in the post or to find the relation lol, you are so creative good thinking lol...Anyway I hate the girls that use the word fab! they are far from being FAB themselves..
I have a few things to say on this topic.
First of all, this conversation happened today at work..
"Just an FYI.."
"What's an FYI?" (I thought everyone knew that one)
"For your information"
"Okay go on"
"Yeah, to have a conversation with me, you have to be familiar with TLA"
"What's TLA?"
"Three letter abbreviations"
I was not either part of that conversation.
But here we not only shorten words, we lengthen them to.
For example "Just hang a righty"
That's right, we add letters and syllables. I'm not sure why.
Just another example of people getting dumber. I blame first instant messaging then texting for this. I am worried my unborn children will never know how to spell anything thanks to technology.
lol is about the only one that i use... i hate to admit it but at times it becomes more of a space filler like um than a description of what i am doing... thats right, if i say lol to you on i.m.... i might not actually be laughing out loud... hate to break it to you.
I wOulD NeVeR dO thAT ChRisToPheR... that annoyed me just doing it then...
sco... its cool when you guys do it because the accent rocks.
why do they have to write/talk like retards? No wait...even a retard would say the full word.
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