I hope that you all are feeling better after the shenanigans that I am sure you were involved in last night... But it wouldn't be the New Year without a little bit of a hangover would it? I for one am feeling fine, but I will say that I had a great time. Like I usually do I am going to try and write about someone who I think fits with today's holiday. I decided to stay away from all the obvious drunken messes that I could write about and write about the people who make New Years Resolution lists...

I think what we should do to make us feel more accomplished is to add things to this list after we have done them... I do that on a daily basis with my to do lists, when I do something that is not on the list I add it and cross it off just to feel like I have achieved more. Or we can just set goals that we know we can accomplish, possibly write down things that you did in the previous year that you know you can do again. For instance in 2010 I have set a goal for myself to gain ten pounds, I figure I did that in 2009 with ease so it should be no problem to do it again in 2010.
When did we decide to use the New Year as a time to start over? As a time to set all of these goals? While it is great in theory I feel its a little sad when you get to October and don't even remember what the goals were. Well, I have a goal for you all that should be extremely easy and enjoyable for you to complete... I suggest that you read my blog every day... I assure you that they wont all be as boring as this one... 225 days left...
So, before I go, what types of resolutions did you guys set up for yourselves this year??? Any big ones? Has anyone already failed?
It's a new year; a chance to start fresh at something. I lost 55 pounds by just sticking up to my resolution. I keep making them because I pretty much get most of them done.
You're right. It doesn't have to be always this time of the year to start something new, but whatever it takes to get you going, right? ;)
I decided to procrastinate much more than last year, but not right now, I'm not in the mood...
It's a cliche, but I'm getting in shape.
I don't do new years resolutions. If I want to change something through the year, I do it at that time.. because I'm awesome and motivated.
The only time I made a resolution (because a girl at a party asked me what my resolution was and I had to come up with something) it was that I was going to learn how to tie my shoes that year (we were both a bit drunk.. it confused the hell out of her and entertained the hell out of me)
Anyway, I can say, that the only time I set myself a resolution I accomplished it. Again, I'm awesome.
I hate new years resolutions and dislike people that rub them in my face like I care but this yer I decided to stop being such a party pooper and joined in I made a list and so far so good! but then again its only been like 2 days ahahah!
Do you have a list of new year resolutions for 2009? So far, have you followed through with them all? What are they if you don't mind sharing.
to be honest i typically have a list a mile long of things that i'd like to change or do in the new year. i usually do most of them if they are a one time thing, but if it is like work 5 days a week until next year i usually end up messing up one week, getting discouraged and slowing down my pace. usually due to a vacation or being sick. ive actually met goal weights a few times, and then gained it back by the time it got cold out. this year i dont really have a list, as of right now if i had to make one up. find a job, work on getting my book published, take improv classes, and try my hand at stand up... we will see how those go.
You must be able to see the line perfictely at all times or it's coming off your fingers wrong. Place your thumb on the line and have it split the fingers. You must throw the ball so the line is visible and standing straight up.
If the building is small then B will hit the ground first because in addition to its free fall, you also added to it extra force cause more acceleration.
I hate new years resolutions and dislike people that rub them in my face like I care but this yer I decided to stop being such a party pooper and joined in I made a list and so far so good! but then again its only been like 2 days ahahah!
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