
Day 179--- "Robert Oh Robert, Let Down Your Hair"...

Welcome to another installment of bloge de Ryane. I think that's Spanish, just adding an E onto things right? Anyways, today's blog is about dudes with long hair...

I am not talking about the guys with like hair down over their ears, which would be long to most of us and I am not even talking about the emo's with their hair down over one of their eyes. I am talking about shoulder length, walk up behind and mistake for a woman hair... I can think of two times in the history of the world that these hair do's may have been cool. The first is with Samson from the Bible, of course if you get your strength from your long hair it is hip, who knows though. Maybe he just told people that so that they didn't make fun of him for having chick hair, guess we will never know. The second, more recent period in history that it was acceptable to have long hair was during the 70's, 80's, and maybe early nineties when head banging was an acceptable white persons dance move... I mean think about how stupid you would look head banging with short hair, you would most definitely look mentally handicapped. If I were to add a third acceptable time, it would have to include any mullet ever, especially the Billy Ray, but I just think that opens the flood gates to too much interpretation.

What possesses dudes to grow their hair out so long? I really am curious, after the movie Troy one year I decided I was going to grow my hair out so I could be Brad Pitt for Halloween. I made it about 3 weeks past when I would normally cut my hair and had a fit and shaved the entire thing... Are they doing it to stay warm? I can imagine that having long flowing locks of hair would be quite nice in those brisk winter months. But I don't think that is why they do it. Is it so that they can have something in common with the ladies, it may be a great secret ice breaker that I don't know about... "Hey what kind of hair dryer do you use? Your hair is so pretty..." , and you're in. It would just be creepy if I tried this approach. Perhaps they are growing it out in order to one day be able to donate to "Locks of Love", a noble cause I must agree... I am sure that their may be countless reasons that these guys deem it necessary to grow their hair out but I am apparently in the dark to all of the good ones...

Guys with long hair scare me even more than girls with short hair, that should speak volumes... Ratio-ishly speaking girls with short hair can pull the look off 6 out of 10 times, however guys with long hair teeter somewhere between the 0 to 1 range. These facts straight from the United States Census. What is even worse than these guys who insist on having long hair are the ones who also find it poignant to fix it into styles designated for females, I have seen more than one guy with pig-tails in my day and that is not a pretty sight. Either they were in the very early stages of transgender-ing or they were sorely confused as to what their options were with long hair. (the pony tail, or nothing). None of these braids, or bangs, or curls, come on now...

When it is all said and done, most of the dudes of the world with long hair are the ones who could probably kick the shit out of me, so I had better wrap it up here before I take it to far. Mozoltov.


Lothiriel said...


Hate the long hair on males too!!!

Malisa said...

They do it because it is SEXY! Love long hair on the right man!

ScoMan said...

I think you missed middle age bikers. Long hair works on them.

Plus, I pretty much let bikers do whatever they want.

"Sure. That skirt does look good with your hair legs. Please don't hurt me"

PoMiFoS said...

This is only tangentially related, but I really hate white football players who grow there hair long and have it hang out the back of their helmets. Dreadlocks and long polynesian hair don't look too bad. Blond hair hanging out the back just drives me nuts.

Chris said...

We bald dudes never make fun of ANYONE'S hair. Ever. No day with hair is ever a bad hair day.

Mandie said...

Haha! My brother had long hair all through high school. It was way past his shoulders.

All the girls thought my brother was hot.

And I was like, "You should see him trying to comb through that mop after a shower."


Alissa Grosso said...

I do have to admit that on more than one occasion I have fallen madly in lust with a guy with long hair, but have only every dated guys with short hair. What does this mean? I have no idea.

Qoddess said...

You've been quoted!


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