
Day 172--- Let Me Get Off...

Hello again, I hope that all of you guys had a great Valentines Day... A holiday that really is quite funny if you think about it... It is the one holiday that I can think of that is not either religious or celebrating something to do with your country... It is literally a holiday that was created and fueled by card companies and candy companies... I someday hope to be able to create my own holiday, I'm working on a few ideas right now, I will be sure to get back to you when I have anything more solid. Today I have selected a group of people that typically mean well, but can be among the most annoying people on the planet. I speak of the people who will not let you off the phone when you are trying to go...

This is typically something that mothers are especially good at. Most of the time I talk to my mom there comes a point in the conversation where neither one of us really have much more to say. There is a few minutes of silence where it feels like we are both preoccupied with something else in the room... I usually use this as my opportunity to get off of the phone, I start this venture by saying that I had better go get such and such done, or something along those lines. Neither one of us are really talking so it seems like the perfect time to go, but all of a sudden she will think of like 20 new questions to ask in order to keep me on the phone... I am using my mom as an example, but I know there are tons of people like this out there.

There are many tell tale signs that should be dead giveaways that the person you are talking to wants to get off the phone with you, but some people just do not pick up on these signs. The job I recently started is more or less monitoring peoples phone calls, I am not saying who I work for but I will let you assume it is something that the government pays for. Anyways, without being too specific I have realized that almost all personal calls that last more than 10 minutes seem to end this way. There is always one person who was ready to get off the call since the moment they got on, and unlucky for them the person they are talking to always seems to never want to shut up... It is always funny to hear the one person leaving hint after hint that they are ready to leave, but without a doubt the other guy will not let them go...

I am sure if you have not noticed these type of people before today that from now on you will take notice to what type of person you are on the phone. Chances are if you don't often feel bored on the phone than you are the annoying one who never lets people off... This whole phenomenon is why I have resorted to doing most of my communication via text... I'd say it has worked pretty well thus far...


ScoMan said...

As soon as I read who the post was about I was like "Yep, my mum"

I don't know how many times in each phone conversation she says "I don't know what else" or "I don't have any other news".. but then she just keeps going.

My side of the conversation is mostly "Yep", "Yeah" or "Mmmm"

Christine said...

It is well known with my peeps that I hate the phone. They are used to me saying "So, are we done here?" and don't even get insulted anymore.

I encourage others to try it.

Lothiriel said...

Yeah...that's my mom!!!

Anonymous said...

thats why you just dont answer your phone when they call

ROSIE said...

For me it is my sister that never lets me off the phone. I can think of behavior worse than not letting you hang up; what about when you don't even answer and the caller continues to call at 15 minute intervals until they wear you down enough. Or if you do not answer, the caller calls every fifteen minutes, you still don’t answer so the caller actually shows up at your front door. When you finally answer the door, they inform you that they have been calling, as if you did not already know and ask why you haven’t answered. Could it be because I was trying to ignore you? (In-laws)

angel6033 said...

I hate this, its so hard for me to let people go, I feel like I am being rude, but honestly I dont get why they dont get the point, unfotunately the one person I wish I talked to more, MY MOM, soed not even call me if I dont call her..that dpresses me....0k...moving on...

Tea said...

You are so right! And... I am probably one of those people! AHHHH!! Ok, I'll be better. (hehe)

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