
Day 96--- Anime-niacs...

I have a confession to make to all of you out there, before I started blogging I had this erroneous idea that all those who blogged were huge dorks. While it is true that a good 50% of them are I have learned that the world of blogging is filled with plenty of normal people almost as cool as myself. However I still firmly believe that the next group of people is over flowing with dorks. Do I know every single person who falls into this category? No, am I going to make a blanket assumption that may be offensive and rude? Yes, but the law of stereotypes states that if you have met at least 3 people that fit "the stereotype", you are more than welcome to judge. So without further explanation, I would like to call the anime lovers of the world away from the computer screen and into the light.

First of all, I will say to each his own, there are certain things that I will never be able to wrap my head around. Sure I was into cartoons when I was a kid, but just like pissing the bed that hobby died with my graduation of the 8th grade. I realize that anime has more adult themed shows than Saturday morning cartoons, and therefore anime-niacs may believe they are a little more sophisticated. But this is just a clever excuse the "30 and Over Still Living With Mother" organization came up with. This is like if I tried to convince people that drawing in a coloring book with Tonka Trucks is more sophisticated than a coloring book with Dora the Explorer, no one is going to believe me when I am sitting there with a crayon in my hand. I don't think I would be as angry if they would just admit that anime is a form of cartoon and stop pretending that it gives them special powers. I have far less to talk about when people actually admit their addiction.

I have met people who actually have learned Japanese so that they could understand what is being said on these programs. While I completely admire their dedication I just feel as though that focus could be put to curing cancer rather than understanding Naruto. I mean, I want to know what they are saying on Telemundo but you don't see me rushing out to take Spanish classes. I think my biggest turn off or bone to pick is with a specific category of anime. If you don't know where I am going with this already it is time to take the parent lock off of your computer and clear the cookies once you're done. Yes, that's right I am referring to the anime porn industry. This is one of the most mind blowing phenomenon's that this simple kind of man has ever encountered. Not by choice. This of course means that if there are thousands of these types of videos out there, sickly there must be a large enough group of people that support or follow it... It disturbs me to think that someone I may know actually kaleid's the scope to a cartoon woman/en. I cannot be the only person who finds this a tad unsettling, I'm not saying I am perfect or even normal but at least everything I like lives, breathes, and walks on 2-4 feet... kidding bout the 4... This is just a smidge weird don't you think? (smidge= shit ton)... I'm truly sorry if any of my readers are into this stuff, but I think its time you laid off the cartoons, and possibly found some... help... If I have less followers tomorrow, I guess I'll know how many of you watch it...

Parents, I guess you guys can breathe a small sigh of relief if you ever find any of this stuff in your kids room. The reason being you can pretty much guarantee that they are still virgins and are gonna be for a while. The downside once again is that they may end up holding the National World of Warcraft convention in your basement every year til they are at least thirty... All in all they are a pretty nice group of people, at least to me, at least up until they read this, just don't leave them alone with a coloring book or you may find it a little harder to open in the future...


Quincifer said...

I don't get the whole thing about Anime.
I'd rather just watch Takeshi's Castle...

missykimmy said...

Aw, but some anime series are really interesting - just like any TV show, except, unfortunately, the actors aren't real people.

Not that I watch animes - I'm more of a TV show kind of girl, but I remember three years ago I watched an anime series that was really cute and the story was actually interesting. But that could have been because it was three years ago. (I was barely 15)

And oh my God, anime porn? Really!? D:


Emily Jane said...

Rule 34. I've even seen Dalek porn.

Lothiriel said...

LOL! I enjoy cartoons once in a while, but not Japanese Anime! I've always had a problem with cartoons that have very little mobility. They hardly move!!! It's frustrating! Never got into it.

Anime porn??? Do they move as little as regular anime??? That could be frustrating to someone who's trying to get the jig on while watching this sh*t!

Come to think of it, I imagine it must look very funny!

I'm a dork myself, but I'm more of a video game junkie. I do live a "normal" life, though. LOL!

"normal" LOL

Children of the 90s said...

I've never really understood anime. To be honest, it sort of creeps me out. I can only look at those giant eyes so long. The idea of anime porn in itself is pretty frightening. I agree, that probably means it's time you lay off the anime, though your instinct may be to just lay them.

Unknown said...

Hey - just found your blog, and I realize I think you may have commented on mine before. Unless there is another Nomad commenting..

Anyways, great idea for a blog! I've always found people to be very fascinating too. On to keep reading... :)

DRB said...

i dated a guy who watched anime..wheni was in high school. He let me borrow his computer once and i was trying to find something i saved on it and found anime porn...it freaked me out a bit. He is still living at home..he is now 26 soon 27......

ScoMan said...

I actually walked away from a few friendships a few years ago because these people were in their early 20's and refused to stop watching Dragon Ball Z. They even started naming their sandwiches after the characters.

Before this display I had no idea these people were like this, so as you said anyone you know could be into it.

Chicken Maker said...

Anime is definitely just cartoons and people who disagree are really stupid. I watch some anime from time to time when the internet convinces me I should...

I watched the Spanish soap operas when I was taking Spanish classes. It helped. I can't imagine going to a Spanish class to watch them though...

Oh, and I will have you know that the ones who like WoW don't have time for Anime, and vice-versa. Simple logic really.

angel6033 said...

My friend falls under this category, she loves sailor moon so much that she listens to the music from the show all the time as background music to homework, dinner, ect. I have always been amused by this.

Estrella said...

U r so right...in some points i guess, why do people get stuck idiot on this kind of cartoon? its like it transform people, i know a lot of persons that get into this ctegory and, i admint, they are not nice

Anonymous said...

gimme those anime titties!!!

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