
Day 185--- When All Else Fails... Bulk Up...

I have been away once again, I just got through with a little mini-vacation to Chicago for a concert and the St. Patrick's Day Parade... I hope that you guys got on alright while I was away, hopefully one of you fed my fish. I know you are dying to know what concert I saw, so I'll tell you... MUSE... Holy F-ing balls, if they were not already my favorite band ever, they are now... They could not have put on a better show if they tried... I could go into great detail, but nothing I can put in this blog will fully explain the divinity of their show. The show was so good that I actually believe that it is unfair to every other band that I end up seeing in my lifetime, they will all fall just a little bit short. If you guys ever take advice that I give, you need to follow what I am about to say now... GO SEE A MUSE SHOW... Whenever, or wherever, and however much it costs you, it will be worth it I promise... On that note, I want to give one more thanks and shout out to my girlfriend Allyson for the tickets, no offense to any other gift I have received in the past but these tickets just ripped off your head and shat down your neck...

With that being said I think we can move onto the post... Today is kind of an odd group in more than once sense of the word... It is a post I can attribute to Facebook, because without Facebook I would not be able to judge people from my past like I do now... I decided to write about the guys from high school that were losers, but since have done their best to bulk up in an attempt to become cool... Follow me this way...

Now, I know that people all change after high school, its what happens, its what we do, but that does not mean that this transformation should not receive the same amount of commentary from me that everything else gets... The reason I have chosen this group is because they really make me laugh... Because we all know that the reason they were losers in high school didn't have anything to do with the amount of muscle mass that they had. No, indeed not, in most cases it was the fact that they were the ones in the corner of the class with their finger up their nose, with white flakes all over their home made clothes, and a smell that could not quite be attributed to anything human... It could also be that they peed their pants once a semester, carried around a deck of magic cards to play at any spare moment, blogged before it was cool ;), and would squawk at anyone who ever tried to ask them a question... So no, as much as they want it to be, lifting weights is not going to somehow magically erase the memories associated with your past...

Obviously I am the Facebook stalker that goes through and passes all this judgement and admittedly this makes me a little bit weird as well, but something needs to be said... I feel like I could save these people countless gym hours and creatine dollars if I could just explain to them why they really had all those nicknames... Sure their is nothing wrong with taking care of your body, not even thing wrong with being hard core about it, I just think it should be done for the right reasons, and I can tell with some of them that they are doing it as more of a "take that" to high-school tormentors... I can usually tell these people apart from the rest of us by a few different things. If 9 out of 10 of their profile pictures have pictures of them with their shirt off or flexing their is a good chance they are trying to compensate. Or if more than once a week their status update mentions them going to the gym, or being sore. We get the point and appreciate the effort, but the likelihood of you coming to the reunion with more friends than you had in school, is about the same as they would have been if you were home schooled.

I know it is not my place to judge them, but I'm gonna do it anyways, so I may as well write about it for your pleasure... What would you do without me??? Stayed tuned, because I think I'm gonna write about the hot girls from school that blimped up after graduation. I know that most people appreciate seeing that much more... LISTEN TO MUSE............

IF anyone from my school ends up reading my blog I will probably get my ass kicked at my reunion... But thats OK, I still have like 3 years to stop pissing myself and bulk up...


Sam said...

Any chance you have any spare Muse tickets lying around somwhere? ;)

PoMiFoS said...

I could have gone to see Muse 2 weeks ago in Philly and I decided against it. Thanks for making me hate myself.

Chris said...

Somehow I can't imagine the dorks I went to high school with (I'm looking at YOU, Frankie Merkelbaum) spending much time at the gym, but who knows?

Lothiriel said...

No idea what muse is...

too much bulk is gross.

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